
I am a part of all that I have met;
Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough
Gleams that untravelled world, whose margin fades
For ever and for ever when I move.
-Alfred, Lord Tennyson

January 16, 2013

Walking, Walking, Everywhere.

Just a small update...Classes started on Monday! I'm taking three classes here:
  • Genes and Gene Action 2
  • Intermediate German Language
  • Celtic Civilisation 1b
I've had first meetings for all of them, and they don't seem too bad. The only challenge will be determining what to read. The UK university system is set up where for humanities classes, you receive large book lists for class, instead of the professor explicitly telling you what to read. You're supposed to use the library and read things you think will be useful, using the book list as a guide. Neither my Celtic Civ class nor my Genes class has a "standard" book, so that will be something to get used to. Another difference is that you have relatively few assignments: I have one "course problem" for Genes, one other assignment, and then the final exam. For Celtic Civ, I have an <1800 word source analysis, a 1800-2000 word paper, and a final exam. My earliest assignment is due mid-February, which is definitely a change from nightly work back at Gustavus. 

I did the math, and estimated that I'm walking 3+ miles every day.
0.5 mile route I take to class each day
I walk this route to/from George's Square, which houses all of the humanities classes, at least two times a day. My Genes class meets at the King's Buildings (the science and engineering campus), which is two miles south of where I live. To get there, I walk to George's and take the free shuttle bus down to Kings. Gone are the days of leaving at 8:53 for a 9 am class like at Gustavus: with walking to George's square and then taking the bus, I'm out the door by 8:45 at the earliest! The nice thing about Edinburgh is that everything IS so close. If I need something at the grocery store, it's an easy five/ten minute walk away.

On Saturday, the International Student Centre is taking students on a day-trip to St. Andrews. My friend is buying me a ticket today (mainly for transportation). Even though I have so much more in Edinburgh to explore, I can't wait to spend a day in that area! St. Andrews is about an hour northeast of Edinburgh.

Also, something somewhat unique to the University of Edinburgh is "innovative learning week", which basically means we have no class from February 18-22. 

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