
I am a part of all that I have met;
Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough
Gleams that untravelled world, whose margin fades
For ever and for ever when I move.
-Alfred, Lord Tennyson

January 21, 2013

A List of Things and Other News

1. You have to pay extra to get whipped cream on hot chocolate at most coffee shops. What is up with this. Someone recommended a good hot chocolate mix though, so I'll have to track it down.

2. Class ending times are more of a suggestion. My bio class goes from 10 to 10:50. Today, at about 10:55, the lecturer, without breaking stride or glancing at the clock, simply said he had another topic to go through. None of the students even blinked. Even more surprisingly, no one was trying to pack up and leave. They just kept diligently listening and taking notes for the next 10 minutes or so. At Gustavus for a 9 am class, at 9:47 the notebooks go away, and at 9:49 we are all practically on our feet, leaning forward as if it helps us get out the door.

Also, people taking notes on their computer here AREN'T ON FACEBOOK. Shocking, right?

3. Nutella on toast is delicious. I don't know why it's legal to eat this for breakfast,  but eat it for breakfast I shall.

4. The library is 100% full 100% of the time. It's crazy. I guess that happens with a student population of 30,000.

5. Edinburgh takes their essays seriously:
"Use the question as your ‘title’: if you give your essay some other (more exciting or personalised) title, you may find yourself unhelpfully distracted away from answering your question!"
God forbid we have exciting titles!

Side note, this past Saturday was the trip to St. Andrews. It was so much fun, but also quite cold! The international student centre provided transportation and then we were free to wander. We saw the churchyard, castle ruins, Museum of St. Andrews, and stopped in a few nice places to eat. I'll just throw a bunch of pictures at you now...

(this is not my picture)

Brandon, Hilary, and Paige

Michael, Paige, Cassandra, myself, Hilary, Ali, and Brandon (this is also not my picture)

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