Hello family, friends, and facebook stalkers!
I don't typically keep up on blogs or journals very well, but I hope I'll be able to keep you updated on some of my experiences this semester.
Some travel details:
Tomorrow at 7 am I leave for the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. My flight from Minneapolis to Newark, NJ leaves at 11 am, and then my flight from Newark to Edinburgh leaves at 7:40 pm Eastern time. It's about a 7 hour flight, so with the 6 hour time change I'll get to Edinburgh at 7:30 am GMT on Wednesday, or 1:30 am for all of you back home. The weather forecast predicts a sunny 45 degree day (Don't worry, Nut House. I've already checked the weather three times and have it bookmarked...). Once I arrive, my program (IFSA-Butler) will provide transportation to the orientation hotel, Apex International. I'll stay there with my program for a few days for orientation, and then move into my flat on Saturday! I'll get you guys more details on that later.
side-note, I cut off my hair...
See you across the pond.
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