
I am a part of all that I have met;
Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough
Gleams that untravelled world, whose margin fades
For ever and for ever when I move.
-Alfred, Lord Tennyson

December 29, 2013

Looking Back

Hey everyone.

A year ago today, I started frantically googling "what to bring abroad" - which was followed by me sifting through every possession I owned and playing the suitcase jigsaw game with each selected item. Since then it's been an interesting year, so I thought I'd make a small list to remember, and to look forward ((I'm all about the lists).

looking back, in 2013 I:

  • lived in a foreign country for five months
  • traveled to four countries, sometimes alone. 
  • read 38 books
  • finished my penultimate semester of college (help me)
  • saw three great concerts
  • fell into the smartphone trap
  • re-learned how to ice skate and knit
  • unknowingly became a cat person
  • probably many more things
  • hopefully

It seems like that'll be a hard year to beat, though I've got a few exciting things already planned for 2014. On January 22 I leave for a two-week trip to Eastern Europe with the Gustavus Wind Orchestra, beginning in Prague. This means that I again will be lucky enough to spend my birthday in a magical European land. After Prague, we'll spend a few days in Krakow, and then move on to Budapest, Vienna, Salzburg, and Munich. I definitely can't wait to go back and see these places, especially in winter when we'll (hopefully) have snow-covered city landscapes.

In other news it's -13 F so I haven't set foot outside all day. People keep telling me how cold it'll be in Poland and the Czech Republic, but a quick search reveals the average temperature of Prague in January is 30 F.
